© ellyBelly Publications
Western Class 52 ‘Western Emperor’ D1036 is in Swindon Works
in winter 1971 for major mechanical work including an engine and bogie change. The new or refurbished components, with the engine displaying a turbocharger and a fluid coupling on the bogie, along with the bulk of the loco itself, are dwarfed by the massive scale of the GWR’s Swindon Works main erecting shop. It is not difficult to imagine rows of anything from Kings to Pannier Tanks awaiting work and final painting to gleaming condition in this enormous building. It is to be hoped that something was done about the loco’s shabby exterior too. D1036 was in Swindon Works from 20th October 1971 until 8th March1972, for conversion to dual Air Brakes and AWS as part of an Intermediate repair.